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How to hold a cello without the help of your cello teacher

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

Hi, fellow cello student!

Have you ever wondered why holding a cello is so tricky? It all seems to be so easy when you attend your cello lesson.

Well, at least relatively easy - I suspect that your cello teacher does most of the work, adjusting your pin, reminding you how to hold the cello and correcting your position. And finally, after many tweaks and corrections, it seems to somewhat make sense when you hold it during your cello lesson.

But then you go home, you take the cello out of the case and prepare yourself for your practice session (at least I hope so!).

And the confusion starts.

As you try to find the right way to hold your cello, the following questions my pop into your head:

  • How high should my chair be and where should I sit on it?

  • Where should the cello be placed on my chest?

  • Why is the edge of the cello hurting my knee?

  • And where exactly were the pegs supposed to be placed?


I feel your frustration. I've been there when I was starting out and many of my students have been there as well.

That's why I recorded a short video where I explain the basics of how to hold the cello. You can use this resource when you're at home and your cello teacher is not there to help you.

I hope you enjoy it. If it helps, let me know!

Have a great day



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